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11:49am 06-02-2021
Thousands of first nation people are mourning Re: the discovery of a mass grave in Kamloops B.C....I have family members that went to the residential school.They told us about terrible events that occurred during the time they were "in care" of that facility. Maybe, some truth will come out from this tragic news, but we will not see 'RECONCILIATION" because of our attitudes and mindset of the residential school system. First nation people have forgiven the perpetrators before and because of our resilience we will change our forgieness..I have many thoughts to share. I have just recently retired from teaching after 32 years..EKOSANI...neena Thomas McKay
8:27pm 12-26-2019
Sharon Miller
Merry Christmas! Am sending best wishes and congratulations to your young women hockey players! Go girls!

My husband, David, and I were in your FN in 1976 - he was teaching Grade 4/5, and I was at home with our baby son, Michael. The kids visited our trailer daily, which we enjoyed very much :-) We read together, played checkers and other games, made cookies, hosted a birthday party for Gail McKay, and they played with my baby. One day several of the older girls (Gr 7 ) came to ask if I would coach their hockey team, because their teacher wasn't letting them play if they had missed school. I said, "I don't know anything about coaching hockey," AND they said " that's ok, all you need to do is show up and yell at us!" I think I did go to watch them play, but wasn't going to cause trouble by taking over coaching!

We often talk about our short time there - INAC fired my husband at Christmas, because he was teaching based on the kids learning needs, not "following the curriculum books". The kids wrote us letters asking us to stay, but we didn't know what to do to change that decision. We treasure that short time with your children - they were so competent, intelligent, skillful, respectful and curious - delightful to have in our home..

It sounds like your young hockey players are a lot like the kids we got to know so many years ago! May they have successful hockey career / life!

Happy New Year to your community :-)

P.S. we now live in Saskatchewan, and I work for a Tribal Council supporting Childcare and Headstart programs.